Duckpin Bowling League
Get ready for a fun and exciting season of duckpin bowling and fierce competition! Our Winter Duckpin League kicks off January 14th, and we need teams ready to roll. Think you've got what it takes to win it all? Don't miss your chance to be part of the action—form a team with friends, family, or coworkers and bowl your way to all-time bragging rights and awesome prizes!
- 4 players to a team; 1 substitute player is optional.
- Must be ages 21 or older.
- It's $250 per team for the whole season.
- Games are on Tuesdays, January 14th–March 4th.
- Choose start time of 5:30pm, 7:00pm or 8:30pm for the season.
Assemble your A-team! First, you'll sign up to secure and purchase your team's spot. Then complete your registration when you receive our sign-up follow-up email. Your League Coordinator will keep you in the loop before and during the official Duckpin League season.
- Sign-ups for the Winter 2025 league have closed.

$400 gift card + trophy placard + special gift for all team members!
$100 gift card
$50 gift card
Every team that completes the full 8-week season will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a 2-hour Pins Party for 20 people that includes 2 duckpin lanes.
- Each location will have their own League Champion, 2nd Place, and 3rd Place Winners, plus Party Giveaway.

Regular season games for the 2025 Winter Duckpin League will be played on Tuesdays January 14th–March 7th, 2025. Teams can choose a start time of 5:30pm, 7:00pm, or 8:30pm for the whole season.
- Week 1: Tuesday, January 14th
- Week 2: Tuesday, January 21st
- Week 3: Tuesday, January 28th
- Week 4: Tuesday, February 4th
- Week 5: Tuesday, February 11th
- Week 6: Tuesday, February 18th
- Week 7: Tuesday, February 25th
- Week 8: Tuesday, March 4th
The 4 highest scoring teams during the regular season will compete in a playoff on Tuesday, March 11th. Playoff start times will be scheduled with the qualifying teams by the League Coordinator.
Upon arrival at Pins, report directly to the bowling lane assigned to you that week by your League Coordinator. All games will begin promptly at your scheduled start time. Teams are required to have at least 3 players present to start and complete a game. If only 3 players are present, the team will rotate bowling the 4th player’s frame. Substitutes are welcome to fill in for any team member unable to play that week.
Teams will bowl TWO (2) complete 10 frame games within 1 hour and 30 minutes. If teams do not complete all ten (10) frames of Game 2 in the time allowed, the scoring will stop, and the total pin count will be recorded for the amount of frames that have been bowled. All games are self-regulated with facilitation from your League Coordinator and/or Lane Manager.
No bowling shoes necessary. Bowling balls will also be provided on the lanes. Other equipment, such as wrist braces and gloves, will not be provided by Pins, but may be worn by players.
Pins uses a scratch bowling scoring system, where team scores are based on the total pins bowled by each player in each game. There are no adjustments to scores based on skill level. These scores will be recorded at the end of the night by the League Coordinator. The League Coordinator will then verify all the information and indicate the top scores for that week via email. All scores will also be accessible for viewing via the league dashboard.
Overall standings are based on the total of the team’s scores each week. Weekly scores will accumulate each week. The 4 teams with the top overall scores at the conclusion of the season will compete in a 4 team playoff to determine the champion.
If teams competing for playoff positions are tied at the end of the season, the team with the highest scoring week during the season will receive the higher seed. If the teams have the same high score, we will move to the next highest scoring week overall until there is a winner.
Pins Mechanical Co. is a community-focused, social environment for all ages. Our goal is for you to have fun. We hope that you keep this in mind when participating. Although the games may become intense, you still can be competitive while maintaining good sportsmanship. With this said, any behavior deemed unacceptable by the staff, or the league participants may result in suspension and/or ejection from a game or the league.
Games will be self-umpired. Pins will have a staff member on site to assist in clarifying any rules questions, but we ask that you be on your best behavior and honest when making calls and respect your fellow players, the staff and the space.
If a player bowls out of order, the teammate which he/she has bowled for will then go in place of that player on the subsequent turn. If a player bowls in the wrong lane, that team will go into the electronic scoreboard and erase the frame thrown by the wrong player.
Note: You are on a time restraint, so doing this quickly and efficiently will only benefit your team in the end.
Players must properly throw the bowling ball down their team's designated lane. Lane Manager or League Coordinator will immediately remove a player that “lob/throw” the ball down the lane or improperly roll the ball (i.e. backwards, between the legs, two balls at once, two people at once, etc.). They will not be able to finish his/her game/games.
If a player hits a TV and breaks said TV, the player will be charged $500 for its replacement. They will not be able to finish the game/games and the team will be forfeited for the rest of the night. Please be gentle with our balls.
Stay off the lanes. If you are caught on the lanes or untangling the string of the pins, you will be immediately removed and will not be able to finish the game/games.
Pins Mechanical Co. has a zero-tolerance policy for team cheating during the duckpin league season. Any team determined to have cheated during the season will be removed from the league without a refund.
- Any player(s)/team(s) that are involved in a fight will be suspended from all Pins Mechanical Co. Leagues for life. Any team will forfeit all remaining games. The League Coordinator and/or Lane Manager has the right to sit or remove an unruly player if necessary.
- Any excessive contact with an opponent will result in an ejection of that player.
- Any player verbally abusing the other team/players/League Coordinator/Lane Manager or other Pins Mechanical Co. guests will automatically be ejected from the game without a warning.
- Any player that is overly intoxicated will be automatically ejected from the game and removed from the establishment. Drink responsibly.
- Any player bringing in outside beverages for consumption will be automatically ejected from the game and removed from the establishment.
- A player ejected for ANY reason will be suspended for the next game. If that player is caught playing in that game, the team will forfeit.
Each league will have a designated League Coordinator who will be your point of contact during the season. League Coordinators will contact Team Captains prior to the start of the bowling league to address any questions before the first week of league play. Weekly standings will be available for all teams to view in their League Dashboard. Scores will be inputted to the dashboard by the end of the week. If any questions or concerns arise, Team Captains are encouraged to reach out to their League Coordinator via email.
If you know in advance that your team can not make your scheduled time, you MUST contact your League Coordinator by noon/12pm that day via email. It is not considered notification unless you receive a reply. Your League Coordinator will work with the Team Captain to arrange a make up day/time for that week. If no day/time is available, the week will be considered a score of 0. If your decision is not made until after noon/12pm, you should still try to reach out to your League Coordinator to see if arrangements can be made.
Please don’t forfeit. Your teammates and opponents count on you to have a full team and a competitive league. Each team must have at least 3 players to start a game. Players are welcome to substitute if team members aren’t able to make it that week. The Lane Manager will give a 10-minute grace period and determine forfeits at the lane. Due to the extremely tight schedule, we strongly suggest arriving at the lanes a few minutes before game time. A forfeit will result in a score of 0 for your team that week.
If inclement weather causes Pins to close on the day of league play, the League Coordinator will inform Team Captains and work to reschedule a time for that week.
Duckpin League happens at all Pins locations, except Nashville.
- Charlotte, NC: Pins Mechanical Co. - South End
- Cincinnati, OH: Pins Mechanical Co. - OTR
- Cleveland, OH: Pins Mechanical Co. - Ohio City
- Columbus, OH: Pins Mechanical Co. - Downtown
- Columbus, OH: Pins Mechanical Co. - Easton Town Center
- Dublin, OH: Pins Mechanical Co. - Bridge Park
- Indianapolis, IN: Pins Mechanical Co. - Bottleworks District
- Pittsburgh, PA: Pins Mechanical Co. - SouthSide Works
Please contact hello@pinsbar.com